Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Could someone make a modest dress for my daughters???

Ok, so after much shopping and looking, and looking and shopping, we have been unable to find modest dresses for my older daughters.  (Can I get an AMEN?)  Why do clothing companies believe that all dresses should be two inches longer than bum cheeks, I don't get it.  Any way this has inspired me to get out my sewing machine and get to work.  Here is what we have accomplished:


This is Tyler's Dress... I would have gotten a picture of her in it, but she doesn't wear a dress long enough to get a pictures.  Home from church straight up to her room to change!

Pink skirt is for Fernanda, Zebra Print is Tylers.  Notice the pink skirt is longer.  Fernanda is about 4 inches taller than Tyler.


Ok, I had to make a dress for the little one.  Hers was the funnest to make.  I haven't sewed for little bodies in a long time.
All in all I guess I am glad that I had to drag out my machine, it really has encouraged me to start sewing again... and well I had to make something for myself...


Life aint so bad...


Cassie said...

Love it! I'm am impressed by your skills!

Tracy Rushton said...

See, you are one talented super mom! They are so cute. And I agree with the modest thing. Sometimes it drives me crazy what the stores think are okay for our young ladies to wear!

Brenda said...

I love to spend time in the sewing room and the best time is when they are young because they love everything you make. Nice job on the skirts! Nice to see you!